What makes a company special? Of course their products and services make their existence possible, but we at Lender Toolkit believe that it’s our employees that really make Lender Toolkit exceptional.
This is illustrated in our logo. The “LT” building blocks are meant to symbolize problem solving. Lender Toolkit puts together solutions for companies using Ellie Mae Encompass Software, and is always looking for new ways to innovate digital mortgage. The dot above the “T” is meant to give a human like quality to the logo to emphasize service and consulting, something that is only made possible by our service-oriented team.

Over the next several months we wanted to highlight members of our team that we feel so lucky to have at Lender Toolkit so that you can get to know them even better. We’re 100% remote, spread all over the United States, come from different walks of life, but we all have one thing in common: service.
Meet Sandy. She’s one of our incredible Client Support Consultants and Encompass Administrators who has this to say about her experience at Lender Toolkit, along with what she enjoys doing in her free time:

“I came to Lender Toolkit due to a friend, and previous co-worker, working there. He told me what a great company it was and thought my skill set could be put to good use. And he was right! I’ve been in the mortgage industry for 31 years with the majority of it working for a large Michigan based bank. Lender Toolkit is like no company that I have ever worked for. They cultivate the team environment and are always willing to listen to what you have to say without you feeling like you will be thought poorly of if you don’t agree with something. My boss is always asking if I have everything I need (from equipment to support) to do my job. It is so refreshing! As for our clients, we always want to be sure we are putting best practices into place that will allow them to be successful in whatever projects or regulatory changes are being worked on.
I live in Bay City, Michigan, and really enjoy the change in seasons. I honestly don’t know if I could live in a state where it doesn’t snow. When I’m not working I enjoy spending time with my two children and all of our animals. We are also currently fostering cats for our local Humane Society which I have found very rewarding even though it can be very stressful at times. Seeing the kittens from birth until they go to their forever homes puts a smile on my face along with a tear in my eye.
During the pandemic I have found how much I was taking for granted the opportunities to socialize with my friends. I miss getting together to share stories and have a few laughs. While this can be done virtually it isn’t quite the same as I cannot give them a hug!” –Sandy Anvia, Client Support Consultant at Lender Toolkit
I think we can all relate to this feeling Sandy expresses. Despite being a remote company we’re used to gathering at least quarterly for conferences and company summits. Due to the pandemic this has been shaken up and most of us haven’t seen one another in over a year.
We’ve introduced new virtual activities to help with this, including bi-weekly guided meditations and happy hour trivia. This has been a nice way to connect and get to know one another even better, but I know we’re all eager for when we can meet up in person again.
I think all of us will have more gratitude for these moments in the future having collectively gone through the last 13 months of stress, don’t you? Maybe that’s the silver lining of all of this. I know I won’t take in-person interaction for granted ever again.
What new hobbies have you picked up during the pandemic, or what hobbies have you leaned into even more? Sandy’s response makes me want to go foster animals. Service-oriented during her work day and outside of her work day. THAT is what makes Lender Toolkit special. Thank you for being such a valuable part of our team, Sandy!