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Lender Toolkit Power Coins

By August 31, 2021December 15th, 2022No Comments

Have you ever heard of challenge coins in the military? Well, our CEO Brett and I were talking about them earlier this year, and he had the idea to create our own coins to incentivize good work at Lender Toolkit. What started out as just an idea has now come into fruition, and the result is wonderful.

Each coin, which we call “Power Coins”, has its own meaning and reward attached to it. In order to earn coins, employees must be nominated by a fellow team-member, it must be approved by management, and then the coin is sent to them, along with the reward it carries. We also have tenure coins that go out to everyone. Here are a few examples:

At Lender Toolkit we strongly believe in showing our team how valued they are. We want them to know that when they go above and beyond for us, we go above and beyond for them. This new program has been a great way for team members to support each other as well. It’s built solidarity and a stronger sense of community, something we also strongly value here. Without a sense of community on a team, it is difficult to reach common goals. We see that clearly, and we hope to continue building community with programs like our Power Coins. What kind of reward programs does your company have? Do you feel valued?

Another shipment going out to some of our incredible team-members!

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